

In 2015, we saw that a lot of people had a really big challenge finding a job in Sweden. A lot of people job hunting didn't know what to do to improve their chances, and didn't see what kind of jobs they could apply for.

This project is the anti-dote to that. Creating a place where you can get clarity in how you can find a job in Sweden, and speed up the road to actually landing that job.

Over the past years, we have helped thousands of people in our Facebook group, our mentorship programs, through our blog and our apps/websites.

We hope you find something that makes you feel empowered, motivated and something that really works among all our resources. 

About us

Since 2015, we have supported thousands of job hunters in Sweden through community, strategy and mentoring.

Contact Info

Made by UAW Holding AB


S:t Johannesgatan 31A
752 33 Uppsala



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